Toronto-based artist Nurielle Stern created Fable to celebrate the inauguration of the Joan Courtois Gallery at the Gardiner, a series of vitrines spanning all three levels of the stairwell. Stern’s Fable offers an incredible cast of cats, mice, and caryatids (the figural columns of Classical Greece). But who is chasing whom, and to what end? Rather than conveying clear moral teaching like a traditional tale, Fable invites us to enjoy the chase. Drawing from medieval European manuscripts and relief sculptures, the lattice-like components emphasize the shallow vertical space of the gallery, much like a stage set. Metal mounts reference ethnographic museums, where artifacts are, in the words of the artist, “removed from context, somehow pulled out of time.” The creatures of Fable face us, ready to take part in a tale of our own invention.

Nurielle Stern
Nurielle Stern creates sculptural ceramic objects and immersive installations that often combine ceramics and video projection. Her pieces are saturated with texture and vibrant glazes, giving them a hyper-real quality. In her work, Nurielle makes tangible a fictional world of her imagining creating things at once strange and familiar.
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